Come See What's Growing in the Garden


It was a bright and sunny morning at RisingOaks Early Learning | St. Nicholas, perfect for our special garden project. The children were in excitement as they gathered around the planter, eager to learn about planting seeds and watching them grow.

The children worked together to get the soil. They used little shovels and their hands to loosen the dirt, and create a smooth, soft bed for the seeds. It was a messy job, but they didn't mind getting their hands dirty. They all worked together to get the soil out of the bags to fill up the planters.

Once the soil was ready, Megha showed the children how to make small holes with their fingers. Children used their little hands to make a hole in the soil and each of them got a turn to drop the seeds in it and then gently covering it with soil. The children were quite excited when they learned what we were planting.

Megha explained to the children in a circle, holding a small packet of dill seeds, cucumber seeds and peas in her hand. The plants would grow big and we will ask Karen (our cook), to use in the kitchen for our lunches or our toddlers can work together to make something yummy.

Megha then explained to the children that now we have to make sure we water the plants for them to grow big. Each child took a turn with the small watering can, carefully giving the seeds some water. I explained that seeds need water to grow, just like we need water to stay healthy.

Over the next few weeks, we will monitor for any growth that will happen. We will continue to look for any of the seeds sprouting through the soil. So, keep looking for the pictures in Digibot where we will update you on our process. We wonder how big our seeds will grow?


Child delivering soil to the large pot.

Child observing planter filled with soil





Children working together to plant the seeds in the soil.