Community Resources

Click on the links to learn more about the various community partners and resources that relate to early learning and care in our community. If you have questions regarding how these resources can support your family, please contact the agency directly or speak to your centre supervisor.

Child Care Fee Subsidy

RisingOaks Early Learning believes that a space is a space. Whether your family if full fee paying or requires fee subsidy assistance, we welcome all children. The subsidy program is administered by the Region of Waterloo. Contact the Region direction or check off that you require fee subsidy assistance when you complete your Onelist applicaton for child care.

Please note that should you initially receive subsidy and, due to changing circimstances, it is reduced or removed in future, you will be responsible for the full costs of child care at that time.

Click here for more information

Children & Youth Planning Table

The Children and Youth Planning Table (CYPT) of Waterloo Region is a community-wide partnership. The partnership includes service providers, researchers, planning bodies and funders serving children, youth and families in our community. The CYPT has established six shared goals for children and youth in Waterloo Region as we work toward improved child and youth wellbeing.

RisingOaks Early Learning is proud to be a voting member organization of the CYPT.

Visit the CYPT website

EarlyON Child & Family Centres

EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free, safe, and engaging high-quality drop-in spaces throughout Waterloo Region for children up to six years old and their parents or other caring adults.

Find answers to your questions,learn more about available services for young children in the region, and connect with other young families.

Click here for more information

Land Acknowledgement

RisingOaks Early Learning centres are located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe, Chonnonton and Haudenosaunee peoples. This territory is within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum. We acknowledge the enduring presence, knowledge and philosophies of Indigenous Peoples and their continuing accomplishments and contributions that shape our communities.

Click here to learn more

Other Supports in Waterloo Region
Local Government

You are simply one click away from finding out all that you need to know about living in the Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and Ayr area. You will find current information on all that there is to experience. Together, we will build innovative, caring and vibrant cities with safe and thriving neighbourhoods.

Ministry of Education

All RisingOaks Early Learning centres and programs are licensed annually by the Ministry of Education. Working together ensures that our programs meet standards set out in the Child Care & Early Years Act (CCEYA). Through their website, you are able to access information about the chlid care system, search for licensed child care and have access to articles provided by the Ministry.

Click here for more information

Parenting Now

Parenting Now is a website for parents and those who care about kids. Connect with other parents, learn new skills and ideas, and find support through local services and resources.

Visit Parenting Now website

Waterloo Catholic District School Board

RisingOaks Early Learning operates seven child care centres co-located with an elementary school within the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Together, both organization's focus on child/student learning and success ensuring a smooth transition between home, school and RisingOaks.

WCDSB Website

Waterloo Region District School Board

RisingOaks Early Learning has entered into an agreement with the Waterloo Region District School Board to operate before and after school Youth Development Programs for those in grades 3 to 6. Currently operating at 11 WRDSB schools, the YDP program continutes to provide a seamless day for children and families. In 2022, RisingOaks Early Learning | Oak Creek. will open with 88 licensed spaces for children from birth to age 4 and a before and after school program.

WRDSB Website