Mother's Day Frames

School-age 3

The month of May School-age 3 have been working on homemade picture frames for their moms. This idea started when the group engaged their creative expression using popsicle sticks and loose parts from our cart and expanded from there. Keri provided the group with glittery tape and from there we decided to use the popsicle sticks and the glittery tape to create a variety of picture frames, each with their own unique design.

Engaging in risky exploration using the hot glue gun, they carefully placed each popsicle stick on top of another, creating a square picture frame shape. From here, they added the glittery tape to make a design aspect of it. Some chose a more calming look, while others went more abstract with their design, adding beads scattered throughout their frame.

To finish off their frames and to bring a sense of belonging and togetherness, each child then added a photo of them with their mothers, paired with either a recent one or when they were younger. The group added an aspect of connectiveness as they chose to add colours and decor that represents their mother and favorite colour. Emily Z mentioned “I will have two pictures of myself and my mom and add wooden shape pieces for the design of my picture frame.” The creativity put on display throughout this whole experience allowed the children to channel their intrinsic designs and well as imagination. They finished of their creations by wrapping their picture frames with tissue paper and adding a card with a meaningful message inside. Well done everyone in group 3 on their Mother’s Day gifts! 

one of the kids finished frames

finished frames sitting on the counter