Arrr matey’s! The Pirate Ship has Arrived!


Luke and Grayson teamed up with their friends to create a pirate ship using chairs arranged in rows. Grayson eagerly invited his peers to embark on their adventure, asking, "Can you come with us on the ship?" Once everyone was settled, he declared, "I am the pirate, and we are at sea now." Educator Merline inquired about their destination, and Grayson excitedly responded, "We are going to the island; there are buttons on the ship for starting and stopping." The children cheered, "Arrr mateys!" and brainstormed ideas for their ship, with Luke proposing a flag featuring a skeleton.

Group of preschool on pretend pirate ship

preschool children excited on pirate ship

preschool children making pirate flag

Each morning, many preschoolers collaborated to gather chairs and rebuild the pirate ship, engaging in imaginative play while enhancing their social skills. One day, their enthusiasm for pirates led them to recreate the ship again. Merline suggested making a pirate flag like Luke proposed the other day, and the children eagerly agreed. Educator Nicole brought out a large piece of paper along with crayons and coloured pencils, encouraging the kids to decorate the flag freely. Finnigan excitedly announced, "I made a shark!" Grayson described his green circles, saying, "I went around and around in circles." Anna D proudly pointed out her letter "M" to Nicole. The flag quickly became a colourful tapestry of designs as children came and went, highlighting a joyful collaboration.

Group of preschool building pirate ship with blocks

Preschool children constructing pirate ship from blocks

The pirate ship adventure continues as Ashton, Samuel, Ayoub, Caiden, and Bellamy collaborate in the block area. Ashton and Samuel stacked blocks to form the structure of a pirate ship. Caiden utilized long blocks, inserting them into smaller hollow blocks, constructing what Caiden says is “the ship's engine”; Ayoub assisted Caiden with tools to enhance the engine's assembly. Meanwhile, Bellamy pretended that a shark was circling the pirate ship.

With all of this imaginative play happening around us, we wonder how we can continue to explore ways to increase the children's interest in pirate ships, and can’t wait to see how they expand on it next.