Grass Hairstyling

Toddler 1

This month the Toddler 1 class has been exploring planting! The children used scoops to fill up some cups with soil then used a small teaspoon to drop some grass seeds into the cup before topping off with some more soil. We then got a spray bottle and using our fine motor skills we squeezed the bottle to water our plants that will soon grow.

The next afternoon we got our big smiles ready by looking in the mirror and saying "cheese" with a big smile. Then we started to take some selfies with the iPad and printed them off. Continuing to use our fine motor skills we cut out the pictures of our faces with some help from educator Aly, and tapped them onto our cups. We continued to water them everyday for 2 weeks! After 2 weeks, we had nice long grass that made us look like we had funny hair! This is when we decided that we should get out some hair elastics and scissors! One at a time, we decided how each child wanted to do their hair, some choose 1 ponytail, some had 2 and some didn’t want any and chose to just do a hair cut!

We are interested in what will happen as the grass continues to grow and how long it will take before we have to give ourselves another haircut? As we wait, the children all love to find their faces and point out one another while counting their ponytails. Everyone is so proud of their little grass hair cuts!

A child holding his cup with grass growing in it

A child holding her cup with grass growing in it

Cups with children's faces and filled with grass lined up on the window sill