Going For A "Rock" In The Park


Last month the Infants went for a walk to Douglas Park and collected some rocks. They brought them back to the centre, washed them and painted them. Educator Lorie then coated the rocks with Mod Podge and wrote special messages on them. On a sunny day in May, the Infants walked to Douglas Park again with the painted rocks. This time they would be leaving the rocks at the park.

Once at the park, the Infants got out of their strollers and spent some time exploring. Ava and Rowan found a pine tree. They gently touched its branches. "Tickle," Ava said. Liam and Johnny also came over and felt the pine needles. "Soft," Liam observed. Rowan then found a stick on the ground and bent it until it snapped. Then he rolled it around in his fingers until it fell to the ground. The group then decided to walk around the grass together.

Educator Lorie brought out the rocks and offered one to each child. Ava, Liam and Henley chose to place their rocks under a tree. Raphael put his in the grass. Rowan took some time to feel and observe the rock. Beckham and Josephine found that if they hit the rocks together it made a loud noise. Once all of the rocks were dispersed throughout the park, it was time to walk back to the centre.

The Infants wonder what other natural materials they might find around the town of Ayr. Next, they might walk towards downtown and see what they can collect.

A pile of painted rocks laying in the grass

A child walking towards a tree

Infants sitting in the grass holding a rock