The Baking Experiment

Preschool 1

The children in Preschool 1 have been interested in baking inside the classroom and in the sandbox outside. To further expand their knowledge in baking, we decided to bake some chocolate chip muffins for the children to enjoy. “What do we need to bake?” Asked Christina. “Eggs” shouted Lainey. “Sugar” shouted Calvin. “Flour” explained George. We than got to work and started to bake. Reading the ingredients and the proper measurements out loud the children helped put all the dry ingredients into one bowl. “We need three and a half cups” explained Christina. Natalie than helped Christina add the flour in. “1,2,3” the children counted. The children than helped mix all the wet ingredients together. George, Calvin and Lukas helped by cracking the eggs into the bowl. “I did it” shouted George with excitement. Our next step was to add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Ellie came over and helped mixed the batter, “it’s heavy” explained Ellie. Once it was all mixed it, Shay and Skylar helped add the chocolate chips in! During this experience the children were able to gain an understand on how baking works, learn about measurement as we added in each ingredient and talked about how much of each ingredient we needed. As well as using their communication skills to talk about what they see going on, and predicting what’s going into the batter.

A child adding vanilla to a bowl for baking

A child stirring a large bowl of baking ingredients

Child and educator cracking eggs into a bowl