Exploring Nature’s World

School-age 1

This month at RisingOaks Early Learning | Saint John Paul II, the school-age 1 children participated in a series of outdoor activities centered around the outdoor environment. Hands on exploration during outdoor playtime involved the winter snow, the mud and messing around with the wind. Their curiosity sparked discussions, making it a fun and interactive lesson in environmental education. The children jumped into a snowy wonderland through activities such as snowball fights and snowpeople building to boost their gross and fine motor skills. Simultaneously, guided discussions introduced the concept of water cycles, enabling them to comprehend the transformative nature of seasons. In the muddy area, the children engaged in hands-on exploration; this tactile experience not only encouraged creativity but also served as an introduction to soil composition. Venturing into the windy outdoors, the group had fun playing with dry leaves and creating whirlwinds in the wind, this activity taught them about the power of the wind, improving observation and critical thinking skills. This experience contributed to their understanding of the wind’s influence on the environment. From the delicate snowflakes to the squishy mud and the playful wind, each element played a role in their learning journey, fostering a love for the environment and these activities developed their motor skills, creativity, teamwork, problem solving and a heightened sense of environmental stewardship.

Children sliding on a patch of ice

Children exploring mud

Children chasing leaves blowing in the wind