Summer Fun


Summer is the hottest time of the year; the trees have lots of leaves and flowers which are often still in bloom. Summer is a great time of the year to swim, go to the beach or lake, have a picnic, go to the forest and explore with the children everywhere. Summer is full of reasons to celebrate and it’s time to welcome outdoor play.

Two Preschoolers pointing at and digging in the dirt

Our preschoolers love using their creativity, blowing bubbles, playing at the sensory table, and exploring nature. We love playing outside games; hide and seek, drawing with the side walk chalk, experimenting in the mud kitchen, looking and searching for insects and bugs, and performing science experiments; mixing colours. Painting with the side walk chalk and exploring water balls and sponge water balls.  One day we went on a nature walk and our preschoolers wanted to race from the top of the hill and we over heard Landon telling his friend “I hope I win this race”. After it had rained, our preschoolers went under the wet tree shaking the tree branches on their head giggling, screaming, smiling and singing “it’s raining it’s raining.”

Preschooler shaking the water out of the tree


Preschooler painting outside

During our meaningful learning conversation, we shared our favourite activity in the summer time. Luca, Liam, Zyaire, Charlotte, Audrey, Luna and Chloe said they love to go the beach, while others love to explore bubbles, sand box exploration, side walk chalk painting, swimming in a pool and enjoying barbecue outside in their backyards. Picnics are an excellent way to spend quality time outside, while enjoying good food and conversation about the nature. Summer time is perfect for learning about the ocean and all the amazing aspects of sea life. Our preschoolers already started learning about sea life they are created their own sea and sea life creatures in the preschool room. We are planning to visit a farmer’s market kiosk on Hespeler with our preschoolers and learn about healthy foods and eating habits.

Two Preschoolers painting outside