Junior Engineers

Program Name: School-age 1

This month, the children in school age one have shown interest in the block centre during our after school program. They have worked together in small groups to create intricate obstacle courses to watch their marbles go down the ramps and through the tunnels. Block play has endless possibilities, from how big something can be built to how high the towers can go. There are no limits to block play, nor are there a set of rules for block play. The children have demonstrated their abilities to collaborate, discuss, and test their ideas with each other therefore becoming engineers of their own play.

Block play can enhance children’s vocabulary by introducing new words and concepts. Children can also learn new concepts when engaged with other children in block play. By interacting with their peers, the children discussed the placement of the blocks while testing out their theories along the way. If something does not work, they try a different perspective.

While observing the children, educators Najia and Stephanie noticed that some children referred to their creations from something they had seen on TV or a video game. Block play creates endless possibilities for children to build something that they have seen or imagined; it can foster new ideas and spark their creativity.

Children working collaboratively to build a structure

Children working collaboratively to build a structure

Children working collaboratively to build a structure