Colour Exploration

Program Name: Infant

This month, the infants have been really interested in learning their colours and the cause and effect of mixing colours together. Earlier this month the centre had bought a white tuff tray which has been perfect for our colour activities, the tuff tray enhances the different colours and makes them vibrant and inviting for the children. So far, we have mixed water and food colouring and talked about our primary and secondary colours. Then we tried using mica powder and water which gives a shimmery appeal and mixed those together. Most recently we enjoyed putting baby oil in the bottom of the tuff tray and then used droppers to collect some food colouring mixed in water, to drop onto the oil. This created beads that sat within the water, the colours would mix together or stay beaded in their separate colours. The children were naturally curious at why the two liquids weren’t becoming one and mixing fully. Some of the children tried mixing the colours on the tray with their hands. They felt the smooth, silky, and soft texture of the baby oil on their skin. The children also learned cause and effect by watching the colours either mix or watching the water stay separated from the oil. This activity enhanced their fine motor skills by having to squeeze/pinch the droppers to pick up and squeeze the liquid out. The children have been having so much fun with mixing colours and it had been keeping them very engaged.

We are excited to plan more activities while using the white tuff tray.

A colourful provocation with the white tuff tray.

A group of children exploring with coloured water and various items in the white tuff tray.

A group of children exploring with coloured water and various items in the white tuff tray.