Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We're Going To The Moon

Preschool 1

The preschool 1 class has been extremely interested in rocket ships, they all seem to enjoy watching rocket ship videos as well as finding any toys around the room to build their own rocket ship. When the preschoolers watch the rocket ship videos they like doing the count down before it blasts off as well as seeing how the rocket ship station works.
Axel and William used the blocks as well as triangle stackable toys to build their rocket ship station, Axel explains, “this is our rocket ship station; here is where the rocket ship lands and blast offs."

While the children are exploring their sense of wonder on how rocket ships work as well as the stations, their development is evolving in many different creative ways they are able to make any toy into a rocket ship.

Emma decided to do an activity with the children where they make astronaut helmets and each child got to decorate them with different colours as well as different astronaut stickers. Arvin explains, “I drew shooting stars on my helmet.”

William, “I have an orange helmet.”

Axel, “how can we build a rocket ship?”

The children’s learning through these different activities and their collaboration with each other has inspired each child’s creativity skills as well as team work and problem solving.
Christine did a shape activity where the children got to watch a video of what the different parts of the rocket ship were, the children were able to re build the rocket ship with the different shapes Christine provided for the children. This was a great way to support the children’s learning not only with the rocket ship learning and interests but providing them with more opportunities to explore different shapes for an example a square, octagon, triangle, circle, rectangle, etc.

The children use their imagination the art area of the classroom as they draw different shapes as well as drawings of their own version of astronauts or rocket ships.

Through these experiences the children have also been able to learn about the different parts of a rocket ship. We learned how the rocket goes into space and how one of the fuel tanks will fall off into space when it is empty. We learned how there is no gravity in space, and the astronauts will float around in the rocket ships.

A preschooler is standing in front of a space ship he built out of blocks.

A preschooler is decorating a space helmet.

Several preschoolers are building rocket ships with various loose parts.