Hanging Out In The Hammock


Shannon saw with excitement an idea on how to use the fences outside to hang a hammock in the corner of the playground. The infants and toddlers took turns and each got to explore swinging in the hammock.

Raelynn needed help to get in, and at first was unsure, as she tensed up her entire body. Shannon moved her up into a more sitting position and then swung the hammock again. This time Raelynn smiled and let her body relax, enjoying the swinging motion. This caused her to use her nonverbal communication skills to shake her head no, when asked if she wanted out, and she came back multiple times for more turns, showing her enjoyment.

Lloyd climbed into the hammock on his own while Shannon held it. He placed his hands in, and then one leg at a time into a crawling position. He then sat, and finally laid down with Shannon’s hands to help. Lloyd didn’t move his body as he calmly felt the swinging motion before smiling to indicate that he liked it. Lloyd noticed the strips of colour on the hammock, sat up, and pointed to each coloured strip. Shannon labelled them (red, green, yellow and blue), fostering language skills. Shannon showed Lloyd he could close the hammock while inside, to hide and then open and peek out …BOO! Lloyd was so excited about this that he couldn’t wait for Shannon to open it, so he popped his head out through it.

George, Nihal, Leila and Tong Tong, socialized as they found this so funny and all of them were laughing with Lloyd as they played peekaboo together. Lloyd continued peekaboo, by turning his head sideways to hide, and then back to face his friends to smile and giggle.

Beau’s first attempt with the hammock wasn’t his favourite experience, but Shannon tried one more time with the help of his sister Ellie looking on through the fence. Beau smiled as he swung. He waved happily at his sister and became very relaxed while swinging, continuing to smile at his sister and friends on the preschool playground. Beau also smiled for a game of peekaboo in the hammock and sat up balancing and using his core muscles.

Levi was up next. He tired staying still in the hammock and laid down to relax on his own, before he quickly crawled right back out. Way to figure out a safe way out of the hammock.
I wonder which was more enjoyable, playing peekaboo inside a hammock or swinging in the hammock. To extend this activity I would like to create an under a table hammock inside to see if they use it in the same way, or maybe explore something else the infants could swing on.


An infant is sitting in a hammock.


An infant is sitting the a hammock and reaching out.


An infant is sitting in the hammock that he has pulled around him so you can only see this head.


An infant is sitting in a hammock.