Colour Stacking


Recently, Rebecca has noticed several of the infants labelling different colours as well as stacking various objects around the classroom. To continue these two interests, Rebecca brought in coloured Jenga blocks along with some plates and bowls of corresponding colours.

Theo jumped right in by dumping the bowls and plates of Jenga blocks out onto the floor. He picked up the yellow bowl and was quick to point out its colour. Theo and Leila grabbed some cups and went around the room together, finding blocks to put in their cups. Leila also banged some bowls together and smiled when she noticed it made a loud clang as the metal bowl hit the other bowl.
Raelynn tested out the sounds she could make as well. As she picked up blocks and banged them together, she discovered that they made a different sound if she banged them against the wooden toy shelf nearby.

Parker experimented with stacking the blocks vertically. He carefully placed each block on top and was able to get three to stand before they tipped over. Parker also held on tightly to the pink plate, as he went around finding the matching pink blocks. Meanwhile, George and TongTong worked together to collect blocks around the room and fill up the red bowl. When the bowl was full, TongTong would dump out the blocks and then he and George filled it up again.

Nihal took a different approach and decided to stack the bowls instead of the blocks. He then found a red bowl nearby and brought it over to see how he could use it with the other two. Rebecca pointed out that the red bowl was bigger than the yellow and Nihal placed the blue and yellow bowls inside the red one. Then there was a stack of three! Lloyd found the red bowl made out of metal and picked it up. He dropped it onto the plexiglass which caused a loud clanging noise, followed by some rattling as it rolled to a stop.

Ava picked up a block and held it up to her ear as if it were a phone. Theo, Leila, and George noticed Ava and picked up their own blocks to use as phones and soon the four of them were making calls! Rebecca wonders what other day-to-day scenarios the infants might enjoy role playing that might involve objects they can stack.

An infant is sitting in front of three coloured blocks stacked in a tower and is reaching out for the tower.

An infant is sitting on the floor with a bowl and surrounded by several coloured blocks.

An infant is stacking one coloured block on top of another colored block.