Special Celebrations

School-age 3

The children in School-age 3 at RisingOaks Early Learning | John Sweeney have been very busy this month in preparing gifts for Mother’s Day. They have displayed such joy when working on their various gifts for their Mom/Guardian. When the children are working, many of them are taking their time to work precisely and slowly in order to perfect their gifts. This provides the children with a sense of pride as they can see how their efforts have paid off. While designing  and constructing their gifts they displayed creative ideas through art, plants, and through making cards with thoughtful written messages.

We found ourselves, asking “why is there a Mother’s and Father’s Day”? Digging deeper into the question we discussed about how gifts make people feel. We talked about how gift giving creates empathy and is a form of kindness and care. We learnt that kindness and care increases our wellbeing and shows the receiver of the gift that they mean so much to take the time to make something special just for them. We talked about how our parents do valuable things for us everyday including but not limited to: giving us food, a place to call home, clothes to wear, encouragement, opportunity, a mentor, love etc.

Going forwards after the celebration of Mother’s Day we now know why we celebrate our parents and have a new view of the meaning to these special days. To further our learnings on special occasions such as this one we would like to learn more about celebrations and why they were made and celebrated. We’ve come to realize that our environment is one of the greatest teachers and by learning more about the people around us will be welcoming and encouraging more conversations about feelings, beliefs, and values.

2 kids painting pots

child watering plant

Group at table