Tell us a bit about yourself and why you chose RisingOaks for yourfamily’s child care needs?
I am a dynamic project management professional, an adjunct professional, an entrepreneur and a mother of 3 amazing children! I am also a dedicated parent who values a strong, well-rounded education for children. I value learning environments that not only foster academic excellence but also nurture social, emotional, and personal growth. RisingOaks stands out for its commitment to individualized learning, innovative teaching methods, and a supportive community that mirrors our family’s values. The school’s emphasis on fostering curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking aligns perfectly with my educational philosophy. Moreover, the strong sense of community and the dedication of the staff to each student’s success assures me that RisingOaks is the best place for our children to thrive both academically and personally. I am excited to be part of this vibrant educational community.

Why did you decide to get involved with RisingOaks’ Board of Directors?
I decided to get involved with the Board of Directors at RisingOaks Early Learning because I am deeply committed to the mission and values of the organization. I believe in the power of education to transform lives and am passionate about contributing to a learning environment that nurtures both academic and personal growth. Serving on the board provides a unique opportunity to support the strategic direction and governance of RisingOaks. My goal is to help ensure that the school continues to offer exceptional educational experiences while staying true to its core principles of inclusivity, innovation, and holistic development. I am eager to collaborate with fellow board members, educators, and parents to foster a vibrant, supportive community where every student can thrive.

How does the board / management try to engage RisingOaks' members and families?

  1. Regular Communication: They maintain open lines of communication through newsletters, emails, and the school website, keeping families informed about important updates, events, and decisions.
  2. Workshops and Events: They organize workshops, seminars, and social events that bring together families, staff, and board members, promoting a sense of community and shared purpose.
  3. Committees: They involve members in various committees, providing opportunities for active participation in school governance and projects.

These engagements help create a collaborative and supportive environment where families feel valued, heard, and involved in the school community.

Decorative swoosh

Cindy's family dressed in matching pj's

Cindy Ofunne

Cindy Ofunne profile photo

Community Member
Governance Commitee