Tell us a bit about yourself and why you chose RisingOaks for yourfamily’s child care needs?
I grew up in Waterloo and moved away for University. 27 years later, I'm back with my wife and son. With the difficulty in finding childcare, we were lucky to have had the choice between RisingOaks and another facility. At the end of the day, the responsiveness, location and the amazing tour we received (meeting educators, seeing the physical spaces and the wonderful playground) helped us make up our mind.

Why did you decide to get involved with RisingOaks' Board?
In short, to give back. I've served on Boards previously and have seen the impact the decisions being made have first hand. I wanted to be able to offer my skills and experience to the community to help it grow.

How has being a Director on the Board benefited you personally and professionally? 
Learning. Meeting a new group of people, each with their own experiences, strengths and outlooks, provides an opportunity to learn and grow both personally and professionally.

How do you find work-life balance and still meet your commitment to RisingOaks' Board?
Work-Life balance is always difficult. At least it has been for me historically. The key for my family since we've moved back to the region is scheduling. My wife and I have a quarterly session where we look at our calendars and lay out all of our commitments. We are then able to ensure that everyone is where they need to be when they need to be there.

Decorative swoosh

Bernard and his family

Bernard Crawford


St. Nicholas
Nominating Commitee