Why did you decide to get involved with RisingOaks' Board of Directors? 

Having my own child in the infant program, I have witnessed firsthand the dedication and quality of care provided by RisingOaks staff. This inspired me to get involved. I want to contribute to the ongoing success and improvement of the organization, ensuring that all children receive the best start in their developmental journey.

How has being a Director on the Board benefited you personally and professionally?
Being a new Director on the Board has provided me with a new perspective on governance of non-profits. This role has also provided community engagement and skills development opportunities for me.

What would you say to a member who is contemplating joining the board but is not sure what they can bring to the table or whether they have the right skill set?
You should absolutely apply to join the board! There are many directors with varied skilled sets, and diverse perspectives are valued.

What kinds of decisions does the Board make? How is this different from management?
The RisingOaks Early Learning Board focuses on guiding the organization on topics such as strategic direction, governance, and risk management. The management team focuses on operational matters such as programs implementation, staff management and implementing policies set by the board.

How would you describe the RisingOaks' board of directors?
The RisingOaks' board of directors are a dedicated group of individuals that come from diverse backgrounds, with a common goal of ensuring the highest quality of early childhood education and care.

Alex Zhou


St. Brigid
Nominating Committee