Make a Splash!


During afternoon sleep, Connor and Theo were provided with water, bubbles, fish and scoops. Boy, was fun to be had. They both thought it was bath time as they made many attempts to climb into the wash basins, so when they realized that wasn’t working for them they decided to move the large muscles in their arms and splash away the bubbles creating a small creek in the classroom. Working fine motor skills as they gripped the fish in a palmer grasp fashion, as well as the cups, watching the water flow with each fill and dump, creating a cause and effect wonder. Both Connor and Theo built on social skills and created as sense of belonging, as they worked together as one, making it their mission to soak themselves, their educators and the classroom they engage in play. Their expression of joy with each splash, made the experience and mess worth it.  Can’t wait to see if their engagement will change as they grow.

Infants playing with a container of water

Infants playing in with a container of water